Gosbecks Primary School

Gosbecks Primary School

Be the Best You Can Be

Owen Ward Close, Colchester, Essex, CO2 9DG


01206 575407


Here are some of our school policies. If you can't find what you are looking for, or if you require hard copies of any documents, please contact the school office. All of our safeguarding policies are on our Safeguarding Page.

Our data protection polices are on our Data Protection Information page.

To view a policy click on the relevant link and the policy will open in a new browser. To navigate back to this page simply click on the back button at the top of the page. Alternatively click the 'Home' button to navigate back to the home page.

Other Policies

EYFS Policy 2024

Accessibility Plan 2022  

Admissions Policy 2024

Anti-Bullying Policy  2023

Asthma Policy 2024                                                     

Attendance Policy 2024

Behaviour Policy 2024                                                                      

Charging and Remissions Policy 2023                                                          

Complaints Policy 2024

Curriculum Statement 2024

Equality policy and Action Plan 2022

Exclusions Policy 2023

Health and Safety Policy 2021 

Feedback and Marking Policy 2022

First Aid Policy 2024

Lettings Policy 2024

Parent and Carer Code of Conduct Jan 2022

Play Policy 2024

Remote Learning Policy Jan 2023       

SEND Policy 2024

Supporting Children with Medical Needs 2023   

Staff Code of Conduct 2023