Providing Support for Safety,
Personal Well-being, Attendance and Health
The school takes the personal development and well-being of children very seriously. We know that children are unlikely to flourish unless they are developing positive relationships, feel safe and are adopting healthy lifestyles. We also know that some children with SEND are particularly vulnerable when it comes to making and keeping friendships. We address many of these issues in our PSHE (Personal Social health Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) curriculum.
We encourage children to develop confidence and resilience. We promote positive behaviour as part of our philosophy of learning. We have a zero tolerance of bullying and talk about aspects of bullying in assemblies and lessons: we have very little bullying in our school but when it does occur we work with the children involved to make sure that it does not happen again. We provide expert help for any child who is experiencing any difficulties with behaviour or relationships from well-trained staff: for instance, the two members of staff who run the well-being hub. We will always consult and involve parents in the decision to offer this support. We can also refer to Essex Affinity programme, POWER and our Educational Psychologist when needed.
Children with serious medical needs have an Individual Health Care Plan which sets out
- The medical condition and resulting needs, e.g. medication and treatment
- Support for educational and emotional needs
- Who provides support: their role and training and who needs to be aware
- Arrangements for working with parents/carers
- Support on school trips and journeys
- Emergency procedures
When a child with medical needs is absent long term from school we make sure we keep her or him in touch with learning and friendships. The school nursing team provides advice and guidance on managing health difficulties and delivers training to staff e.g. Epipen training.
- Who will watch out for my child at playtimes to make sure they are safe and well? We are now an OPAL school and we put a great deal of time, effort and resources into the play times at school. The benefits of OPAL include more enjoyment at school, less teaching time lost due to disputes at break, less accidents and improved behaviour. We have a well-trained play team support staff who facilitate OPAL playtimes. A very important part of their role is to keep a close eye on everything that is happening at lunch and break times, completing in the moment risk/benefit assessments and intervening and supporting when necessary.
Identification, Assessment and Planning
Access to the Curriculum and Inclusive Teaching
Partnerships with Parents and Carers
Listening to Children and Young People
Managing Transitions - Joining and Leaving Our School
Providing Support for Safety, Personal Well-being, Attendance and Health